The Knitting Circle Event

Ann Hood was a great speaker who was funny and entertaining yet moving in her own disclosure of personal tragedies that inspired the book.

Here Ann is answering a question posed to her. She obliged an attendees' request to read a passage from her book. While a good amount of the group in attendance had previously read the book, a lot of individuals had just picked up the book or started The Knitting Circle recently.

A lot of individuals brought their knitting listening to the discussion (pictured above are Lisa and Raquel with their mom who raved about Mama Giola's on Bloomfield Ave.).
Following the talk, reading, and questions, was the book signing.
We would like to thank everyone who attended the event to make it such a success! Don't forget to read the book as our first meeting of the book club will be on February 6th, 2008.
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