Noro and Debra

Our very own Deborah is a serious knitter. We often joke about her seeing a new sweater in Noro and then knitting it the next day. Case in point: Debra bought Noro yarn on Wednesday afternoon and this is what she brought in on Thursday afternoon. Oh yes, that is a lot of knitting.
And she probably could have continued except she needed more yarn for the project. So she compared dark grey to the knitted garment in progress (that's her hand grabbing the yarn and the cuff of her lovely Adult Surprise Jacket).
She then compared light grey to the garment.
As has been mentioned before, when knitting a sweater it is best to pick the buttons when the sweater is done to accurately pick the right size, color, and shape. In this instance, Debra knit a large selection of the sweater so she can better understand which grey would suit the piece. Since Debra is the Noro connoisseur, I thought I would document and share some of her technique. Let's see how long it is before this sweater is done.
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